Discover AFRO-AI Tech!

AFROCyberspace Revelations

Frequently, I will provide a hopefully humorous and intriguing response in AFROCyberspace. You may laugh, cry or get reborn.


Technology has been in Africa for a long time and the impact is always amazing

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Radical AFROFuturism!

Being Radical means finding better solutions to old problems and more

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Cultural Climate  Cataclysms 

Sea levels, migration, disease are just the tip of the melting Iceberg affecting POC

Face the Facts

"We Are All African!"

Modern  Homo Sapiens  emerged  200,000+ years ago in Africa

No White People, no Black People, No Red . No Yellow. Only People.

Homo Sapiens emerged in Africa.  We all have the  same ancestral linage. We have the same desires, fears, delusions, rage, love and the desperation to survive. Skin color, hair texture, eye shape are merely adaptations or random mutations to enhance our chances of survival in a variety of social and environmental conditions. We are the same.  Racism is an  oxymoronic belief. Racism is a contradiction of reality. There is no white, black, red or yellow. There is only us. Racism is a crude and vicious tool used by the elite to control other humans.

Opportunity and  availability of  resources and fortuitous circumstances are what makes us distinct. But we are still African. Therefore, superiority among  groups of humans is a self-delusion mostly for personal profit of a few. However, the promotion of separate, distinct human types can be used as a weapon just as efficient as the stone-age club and sharp obsidian spears against Sabertooth tigers or  gigantic Mastodons; now extinct. 

Human beings are a very large extended family linking back to the same mother and father. Brothers and sisters may argue; cousins and other kin can start their own clans and often forget  common  origins. Thus, jealousy, war, fear, prejudice  arise, But there are solutions to bring everyone back together to survive and prosper.


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 AFRO African Black Sci-fi written by Stafford Battle, 
creator of AFROCyberspace.  
Available on Amazon.


William Jones

Into the AFROVerse
WOL Radio Show, Tuesdays, 10 AM 

WOL-AM 1450 AM & 95.9 FM

Previous Guests:
Stafford Battle, AFROFuturist
Naseed Gifted, Founder KHEM FEST
ND Jones, Founder KUUMBA Publishing


Religious Realities

Let's get real and be very aware about our spiritual beliefs or non-beliefs. You need serious soul searching to get to the bottom of things, There are true believers that pray for goodness and love. Unfortunately, there are expert hustlers who prey on us for money and greed.

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Where do 
come from?"

The Continent of 

Italian Americans come from Italy. Asian Americans come from Asia.  Where do Afro-Americans come from. Obviously, they come from the continent of AFRO, a place where the Black diaspora was dispersed into  around planet Earth.  The AFRO people were fighters, adventurers, innovators, traders, kings, queens, revolutionaries, and AFROFuturists. 

They all hailed from the continent of AFRO.  

The Continent of AFRO is not an isolated landmass. It is a '"Thought Mass". It is an expanding region of ideas and culture in the 21st Century.  And it is evolving, growing . . . exponentially (very big, very fast) via AFROCyberspace and social media. 

See  our connections.

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AFRO Evil Villains!

We must have Black bad guys and gals in our sci-fi. They are people of power.  Agents of chaos and change that we desperately need.

 Take a peek  
 at an evolving galley of 
AFRO Villains & Monsters!

Black Fantastic Art!

Enjoy Our Friends at 
Pretty N Potent

Pretty N Potent 420 was designed to cater to cannabis aficionados, who prefer artisan designed infused products. Ms. "Pretty" grew this phenomenal brand from a fun hobby. Enjoy the good stuff.

Higher your expectations!